I've been using dovecot 0.99.14 for a few years, with libpam-ldap and libnss-ldap, and never experienced any problem with those. I expect to soon switch to dovecot 1.0rc15 (or whatever gets available in Debian Etch, hopefuly dovecot 1.0), but I've seen some warnings against dovecot+libnss-ldap...
Is the problem with libnss-ldap a recent problem (I mean it was not a problem with older dovecot such as my 0.99.14)? Is it still a problem even with 1.0rc22? Is there any hope to have it fixed before 1.0?
Note that while most of the users I have to deal with are in my LDAP directory, a few ones are not and are in /etc/passwd. Hence, "userdb ldap" is probably not an option for me (and I'm quite happy with configuring all my servers with PAM and NSS).