On Mar 29, 2009, at 6:28 AM, Guillaume Hilt wrote:
I'm back with this problem since i never found a way to fix it. I'm now using dovecot 1.1.13 (still under Gentoo) and I tried
something. I modified the lda section from this : mail_plugins = cmusieveTo this : mail_plugins = sieve
The problem is that dovecot never complained that it can't found the
sieve or cmusieve plugin although sieve is present and enabled with
dovecot. Looks like it doesn't care about it and doesn't try to load it (it
would explain why sieve isn't working).
If you list a plugin that Dovecot can't load, it definitely will give
an error message at startup.
Looking at your previous messages, it seems you haven't provided any
logs. Set mail_debug=yes and show what it logs when trying to deliver
a mail.