25 Jul
25 Jul
6:17 a.m.
On 24.7.2007, at 21.06, Bandi, Uma (GE Indust, Plastics, consultant)
cc: "array.h", line 63: error 1588: "__inline_func_array_create_from_buffer_para m_2_buffer__" undefined. cc: "array.h", line 63: error 1531: Invalid member of struct or union.
I'm not sure why it fails there. You could try replacing that code
(src/lib/array.h lines 60-65) with:
static inline void
array_create_from_buffer(array_t *arr, buffer_t *buffer, size_t
arr->buffer = buffer;
arr->element_size = element_size;
Also you could try figuring out if your cc has a separate option to
enable C99 support. That might help too.