You do not understand how mail works. Google mail is only getting through when spf checks and the likes are being passed.
I am not creating any problems with this, I am just bouncing them back. Google has enough billions to handle these issues. If everyone would apply this procedures, people with legitimate email accounts would move from a spam network to some other provider. People joining these providers are the problem, because it allows these networks to mix spam with legitimate email.
When clients start moving out, spam networks are becoming easier to hard block and these providers start thinking about their infrastructure and their bussines model. If everyone would be doing this, it is solving the spam problem.
My below procedure should be applicable for any network generating a lot of spam.
-----Original Message----- From: Reindl Harald [] Sent: donderdag 11 juni 2020 10:25 To: Marc Roos; dovecot; users Subject: Re: handling spam from gmail.
Am 11.06.20 um 10:19 schrieb Marc Roos:
I am sick of this gmail spam. Does anyone know a solution where I can do something like this:
received email from 2. system recognizes this email address has been 'whitelisted', continue with 7.
system recognizes as this email never been seen before 4. auto reply with something like (maybe with a wait time of x hours): Your message did not receive the final recipient. You are sending from a known spam provider network that is why we blocked your message. Please confirm that:
- you are not a spammer and
- you have permission to use the mail adress you send your message to
- you and your provider agree to uphold GDPR legislation
- you and your provider are liable for damages when breaching any of the above.
Click link to confirm and you agree with the above
sender clicks confirm url
email address is added to some white list.
email is delivered to recipient.
and i am sick of people not understanding how email works! you don't send unasked mail to a in the most cases forged sender unless you want to be part of the problem
backscatters and brainless autoreplies have to be burnt with fire