4 Jan
4 Jan
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 12:51 +0100, Oliver Lehmann wrote:
One of the reasons why I switched to dovecot was the expire plugin and right now I'm trying to set it up but I don't get it to run.
So you have thousands of users to make expire plugin useful?
Nope - just me but I want an automatic deletion of old mailinglist emails which I don't want to do manually and I definitly do not like find -exec rm solutions. Are there other ways for deleting old emails instead of expire?
There's no need to use expire plugin for that with v2.0. You can just run doveadm. Do you mean you only have a single user? Then it's really simple:
doveadm expunge -u user@domain mailbox dovecot-list savedbefore 30d