Marten Lehmann <lehmann <at>> writes:
today our dovecot imap server died. The following message appeared in
the logfile:dovecot: Mar 23 07:00:58 Error: pipe() failed: Too many open files
We have one dovecot instance for pop3 and one for imap, so while the
pop3-service was still available, the imap-service was not running any more.I've seen a lots of users keeping there imap-connections idle for hours,
often more than one per mailbox. How can I limit this? Can I limit the
maximum time a connection can be open?Regards Marten
You could look at inreasing the file limits, on debian its in /etc/security/limits.conf, increase the default 'nofile' from 1024 to say, 20000 or something.
No idea what it is in other distros, running 'ulimit -n 20000' before starting dovecot (as root) may help too.
Cheers, Trent