Hi Christian,
if I try:
/user_attrs = sAMAccountName=user,=home=/mnt/mail-storage-lv0007/%$,=uid=501,=gid=501/
then the result on node A is:
/# doveadm user its-test// //field value// //uid 501// //gid 501// //home /mnt/mail-storage-lv0007/// //mail maildir:~/Maildir:INDEX=/var/indexes/its-test/
on node B where I didn't change anything the result is:
/# doveadm user its-test field value uid 501 gid 501 home /mnt/mail-storage-lv0007/its-test mail maildir:~/Maildir:INDEX=/var/indexes/its-test/
I think that the home is correct on node B, don't you?
Then when I do a search like this:
/doveadm replicator status '*'/
I have the same result on both nodes:
/# doveadm replicator status '*'// //username priority fast sync full sync success sync failed// //its-test low 00:04:05 19:57:52 19:58:47 - // //its-test2 none 19:59:43 19:59:43 44:01:24 - /
I have to specify that in these days I did some tests and removed all the users with domain part in the name with the following command:
/doveadm replicator remove its-test2@domain.com/
/doveadm replicator remove its-test@domain.com/
But I don't know if this is useful, I have executed the same command in production servers and all the users with the domain part in the name reappeared after a few minutes; in test environment anyway after /doveadm replicator remove/ command, these users are not reappearing ... I don't know why.
Thanks for your help!
Kind Regards
On 06/12/21 14:43, Christian Mack wrote:
Am 02.12.21 um 17:54 schrieb Claudio Corvino:
I have two IMAP/LMTP Dovecot server in replica (version, I use LDAP/AD for /userdb, /replica is working.
When I do a search like:
/doveadm replicator status '*'/
I receive user duplicated, with and without the domain part, for example:
/test/ /test@domain.com/
but they are the same user; this lead the replicator doing twice the work of replication.
I think this is related to //etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf/ that is configured in this way:
/hosts = xxx/
/base = dc=xxx,dc=xxx ldap_version=3 auth_bind = yes dn = cn=xxx,cn=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxx dnpass = xxx scope = subtree user_attrs = sAMAccountName=home=/mnt/mail-storage-lv0007/%$,=uid=501,=gid=501 [...]
This is for sure wrong.
Try: user_attrs = sAMAccountName=user,=home=/mnt/mail-storage-lv0007/%$,=uid=501,=gid=501
Kind regards, Christian Mack