Hi Timo,

> On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 23:23, Maikel Verheijen wrote:
> > While reading through the dovecot documentation, I read
> that I could
> > do without indexes (well: use memory indexes),
> Currently that's not really good idea, since message UIDs
> aren't then stored permanently. In CVS there's support for
> this with mbox format, and I've also been writing support for
> Courier-like uidlist-file, but that's still not really working.
Well: I am working with Maildir mailstores, so I guess I need to
have a uidlist kinda file then? Sorry it wasn't clear in my post
that I am using Maildir style mailboxes... But I figured maildir was
better than Mbox over nfs...

> > My problem is now that dovecot writes it's subscriptions to the
> > mailstore. Since I want as little difference between my
> frondends as
> > possible, (and as static as possible), I would love to see dovecot
> > handle subscriptions in a database, or perhaps a nfs-safe file.
> Database? SQL? Another problem is also .customflags file
> which isn't NFS-safe. With mbox it's not really required, but
> with Maildir it is if you want custom message flags. It
> wouldn't be too difficult to change the code to use dotlock
> files with these files anyway, I've been going to make it
> configurable.
My current setup is with postgresql and Maildir. So in a way, a lot of
info COULD come from my database, if it isn't safe enough via nfs.

Can you make all file locking configurable? Or will you do it on a
"per-type" basis? (eg: mailbox locking, index locking, flag-file locking, etc).


Maikel Verheijen.