I am executing the command from the new server. I was executing the command from production2 server only. It has the backup option, but whereas production1 doesn't have it. Though I am executing from production2, I am seeing the below error. Is it becasue production1 server doesn't have that option? Please let me know, if it is confusing.
The old version is:
[root@production2 ~]# dovecot --version
2.2.36 (1f10bfa63)
The New version is :
[root@production1 ~]# dovecot --version
I have executed the command from the new server:
test.org.com]# doveadm backup -R -u
kishore@test.org.com remote:vmail@production1.baplc.comvmail@production1.baplc.com's password:
usage: doveadm [-Dv] [-f <formatter>] <command> [<args>]
altmove [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <search query>
auth [-a <auth socket path>] [-x <auth info>] <user> [<password>]
config [doveconf parameters]
director add|flush|map|remove|status
dump [-t <type>] <path>
expunge [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <search query>
fetch [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <fields> <search query>
force-resync [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <mailbox>
help <cmd>
import [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <source mail location> <dest parent mailbox> <search query>
kick [-a <anvil socket path>] [-f] <user mask>[|]<ip/bits>
log find|reopen|test
mailbox create|delete|list|mutf7|rename|status|subscribe|unsubscribe
penalty [-a <anvil socket path>] [<ip/bits>]
purge [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>]
pw [-l] [-p plaintext] [-r rounds] [-s scheme] [-u user] [-V]
search [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <search query>
sis deduplicate|find
user [-a <userdb socket path>] [-x <auth info>] <user mask> [...]
who [-a <anvil socket path>] [-1] [<user mask>] [<ip/bits>]
kishore@test.org.com): Error: read(
vmail@production1.baplc.com) failed: EOF (version not received)
kishore@test.org.com): Error: Remote command returned error 1: ssh -lvmail
production1.baplc.com doveadm dsync-server -