I found the proxy performance page in the Wiki. It's interesting to see such good performance for the proxy!
However, I was trying to duplicate the tests and am not clear how. Anyone know what a typical test setup would look like? I need to document/test that I can setup a proxy able to handle 100-200 sessions per second which the folks around here are skeptical of.
I emailed Tomi directly but got a vacation reply. I tried a quick test of my own with rabid and results seem questionable. Probably I am not using the right options on the command-line. I used a single client to generate the load and while I specified 20,000 per minute when I checked the maillog on my IMAP server it was authentication more like 300 per minute. I get a number of "Re-auth failure" messages even with 3720 accounts. I think this is due to the randomness being literal sometimes you hit again the same account name while a first attempt of it is still connected.
Also not sure how Tomi generated those statistics, from the logs, from the rabid output? Since rabid doesn't do POP-mark numbers or anything I guess you just ramp up the load until the proxy slows down and call that your performance number?