seems that LDA ignores deliver_log_format (still log with format: "msgid=%m: %$") Is there some change from this http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2009-April/039013.html or http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2009-May/039269.html ?
I still have this problem, but also new information:
You also use a global sieve script, as I do on my server (here: sieve_global_dir / sieve_before).
On the server of a customer, I use the same deb-package as on mine, but there the deliver_log_format is not ignored.
Just tested the differences:
If I comment out all sieve-parameters in dovecot.conf, the deliver_log_format is being used:
with sieve-params:
Nov 05 22:47:38 deliver(antondollmaier@aditsystems.de): Info: sieve: msgid=<20091105214738.0961643C82@terra.a1a-server.de>: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'
Nov 05 22:48:44 deliver(antondollmaier@aditsystems.de): Info: from:root@terra.a1a-server.de msgid:<20091105214843.C3BDA43C82@terra.a1a-server.de> action:saved mail to INBOX subject:test
lda: mail_plugins: quota sieve autocreate deliver_log_format: from:%f msgid:%m action:%$ subject:%s
the parameter I commented out were:
lda: sieve_global_dir: /etc/dovecot/sieve plugin: sieve: ~/.dovecot.sieve sieve_global_dir: /etc/dovecot/sieve/ sieve_dir: %h/sieve sieve_before: /etc/dovecot/sieve/shared.sieve
Any hints on this, Timo / Stephan?
Best regards,