On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:00:05 +0100, Ed W <lists@wildgooses.com> wrote:
I would be interested in that script, too - are you working on it?
It appears that you can run IMAP commands by piping them into the imap process - look at some of Timo's previous posts for examples.
I'm aware of 'dovecot --exec-mail imap'.
I should think it's a one line to type in the IMAP search command and have it execute?
But I don't know how to wait for / react to answers from the IMAP server (after listing mailboxes, selecting the mailbox, etc.) in shell (bash) script, which would be my preferred choice as scripting language. Is it possible? How?
(implementation left as an exercise for the reader...)
Obviously I wrote this mail because I wanted to save some time and effort - something wrong with that? ;)
Did really nobody do this "exercise" before?
To do it remotely, perl/ruby and most common scripting languages have an IMAP module which should work well (need to embed a password obviously)
Yes, I'm sure it would be easy with those - after reading all the module's documentation, understanding all the caveats, implementing all the error handling and so on.
So, again, if somebody came up with a solution already, please share, I'd appreciate it.
P.S.: RoundCube Webmail is not a good (as in easy to use) client to read and reply to mailing lists (yet).
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