On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 12:15 +0200, Thomas Hummel wrote:
Recently I put a co-worker who's using Thunderbird ( on it and he seemed to have lost some messages (which were delivered on the spool since seen on procmail logfile).
As far as I know Dovecot has never deleted a message unless the client has requested it to do so.
Did the user (or his client) move those messages to some other mailbox or were they lost in INBOX?
Did someone experienced the same (I read about some similar issue on the list but with maildir format - I'm using mbox) ?
I don't think it has happened with maildir either. There was a bug for a while in non-released CVS version where messages saved through Dovecot weren't properly saved into maildir.
I forgot to say that, when this occured, I fist thought about index corruption and did the following :
. remove the dovecot indexes for that user on the server
. remove *.msf files on Thunderbird (my understanding beeing that these are the local TB indexes).
Just greeping the mbox file (or all of the user's mboxes) should show if it's still there.