On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 16:09 -0300, Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:
password_query = select endereco as user, password, '/var/spool/mail/%u' as userdb_home, 'maildir:/var/spool/mail/%u' as userdb_mail, 8 as userdb_uid, 12 as userdb_gid, concat('*:storage=', quota) as userdb_quota_rule, 'Trash:storage=100M' as userdb_quota_rule2 from emails where endereco = '%u' and ativa = '1'
You have only one user? Maybe you should be using passwd-file instead of SQL..
Oct 3 16:08:09 ns2 dovecot: imap(user@domain.com), rip=, lip= Error: quota: Unknown namespace: Trash
about changing 100M to +100M, that's OK, no problem .... but even
after changing that, i still keep getting the 'unknown namespace' message.
What kind of namespace configuration do you have? (dovecot -n)
question: what's the correct way of doing this configuration on
dovecot 2.0 ? The idea of this configuration is to give plus 100M of the user's quota on the Trash folder, thus avoiding problems with out webmail which copies messages to trash before erasing from the actual folder.
Are you sure it worked in v1.2? I'm rather guessing that v1.2 just didn't give an error about it.