Am 21.04.2013 16:16, schrieb Stephan Bosch:
On 4/21/2013 3:55 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
i comment not based on how things SHOULD be in theory i GENERALLY comment with working examples how they ARE from the real world
I don't have a problem with that. I'm just saying that it DOES make (more) sense to use the envelope extension the way he is doing. :)
Did you encounter any problems with the envelope extension in your own experience?
i try to minimize the usage of extensions to write as portable scripts as possible independent if we speak about sieve, php or whatever language
Also, why do you use ':matches' in your example? :) because the "contains" from the OP has the same intention?
because it is from a well working sieve-script for subject-matching with some hundret entries to protect postmaster-address from most spam while go with the RFC that postmaster must not be spam-filtered at the MX
if header :matches ["Subject"] ["*please your woman*","*see sexy*"]{discard;}
goes well with the RFC as example and leaves me in peace at the same time :-)
Well, using ':matches" for one key value without wildcards is a bit useless. In that case it is equivalent to ':is' or leaving the match type out. But yes, I agree, if it is part of a large list of match keys (only some of which have no wild cards), it does make sense
yep, and the spamfilter-sieve is generated from a database with a small webinterface for add and remove entries and the only difference is the decision komma at the end or not - see below, maybe some other admin is happy with it :-)
if header :matches ["Subject"] [ "*aktuelle stellenausschreibungen*", "*alert - new message received*", "*alert will be released in just*", "*arbeitsmarkt naturwissenschaften*", "*armbanduhren*", "*banks and wallstreet*", "*banks manipulate us*", "*bedroom life*", "*can earn more*", "*can we chat*", "*card payment*", "*company to research*", "*consultant*", "*control de presentismo*", "*could be a big bounce play*", "*day-trade play*", "*delight this night*", "*einen neuen job*", "*environmental company*", "*featured on cbs*", "*financial consulting*", "*fw: job", "*fw: reseume*", "*gibraltar*", "*got those pics*", "*great opportunity*", "*great start with actual gains*", "*hour work week*", "*investment partnership*", "*invite you to work*", "*job offer*", "*konto bei credit suisse*", "*kraft foods*", "*love life*", "*make money today*", "*making a fool of you*", "*methods of power*", "*my profile*", "*new daily matches*", "*new ematches by email*", "*new monster stock*", "*offenen stellen*", "*organic growth potential*", "*payment new code*", "*per hour for remote assistance*", "*please your woman*", "*promocione*", "*promotion company looking*", "*re: my profile*", "*re: reseume*", "*ready to flirt*", "*remote assistants*", "*satisfy ladies*", "*searching for representatives*", "*see sexy*", "*the big dollars*", "*ticket to richer life*", "*ubs ag -konto*", "*ubs ag-konto*", "*united technologies corporation*", "*viagra*", "*viarga*", "*von ihrem konto bei ubs ag*", "*wake up her true desires*", "*we are currently looking to recruit", "*we are looking for assistants in your town*", "*we invite you to a remote job*", "*we offer you a personal decision*", "*we will advise you for free*", "*wir suchen einen operationsmanager*", "*wire transfer confirmation*", "*with the advertising*", "*work offer*", "*you have new matches*", "*your carnal needs*", "*your girlfriend*", "*your interest rates are unfair*", "*your intimate life*", "*your monthly income can be increased*", "*your wire transfer*", "2 explosions*", "30 days to a new ph*", "a call for nomination*", "abwesend: spam quarantine*", "achtung: von ihrem konto*", "act now and thank me later*", "add the title*", "administrative assistant*", "administrative sales*", "administrator", "administrator in*", "administrator pos*", "administrator-financier*", "alert - new matches", "angebote im netz", "arbeit in deutschland*", "arbeiten in teilzeit*", "are you ready to impress*", "as a matter*", "assistant vacancy*", "bases de empresas*", "bekommen sie philip stein*", "best prices*", "breaking -*", "buy today*", "career opportunity*", "congrats members*", "conspiracy: banks*", "control de accesos*", "current open position*", "current vacancy*", "database management*", "do you desire*", "do you want to gratify*", "employment*", "environmental business*", "environmental organization*", "es ist der magische*", "excellent opportunity*", "fantastische ergebnisse*", "finance administrator*", "finance manager", "financial redemption*", "from coast to coast", "from the desk of*", "full recruitment*", "fw: work*", "get a new job*", "getting ready*", "hey honey*", "hey there*", "hi honey*", "hi sweetie*", "hot stock*", "i seek for your sincere*", "information zur jobborse*", "it continues to climb*", "it is absolutely awesome*", "it reports additional positive results", "it`s me again*", "job ad*", "job angebot*", "job offer*", "job opportunity*", "job proposal*", "job-vorschlag*", "jobbvagledare*", "karriarcenter*", "keep your gf*", "learn*", "life is miserable*", "linkedin*", "listados de*", "located in europe?*", "managed to make*", "manager*", "more exposure", "most good recruiters", "my hot pics*", "my pics for you", "new buddy request*", "new job*", "new request", "new shop*", "next day delivery. sale", "offene stelle*", "offshore*", "open vacancy*", "order now*", "order today*", "our quickly expanding*", "paid surveys*", "part-time work*", "position opening*", "postmaster order on", "postmaster*", "re: changelog new", "re: jobbsokande*", "re: remember me*", "re: spam quarantine summary*", "re: urgent notification*", "re: your profile", "read me*", "read, research*", "recruitment*", "retirement out of office re: spam quarantine summary*", "save money*", "should you buy it*", "show your true greatness*", "small cap daily", "small helper for*", "soka job*", "something big is coming*", "spy devices*", "start new employment today*", "start working today*", "starten sie*", "stunning investigation*", "submit your nomination*", "superb chance for employment*", "sweet lord*", "texas explosion*", "this company*", "this stock*", "today new matches", "turn your 2 spare*", "ubs ag kontobenachrichtigung*", "ultra fast delivery*", "vacancy*", "verizon wireless*", "virtual assistant*", "virtual manager*", "virtuelle-manager*", "we are creating*", "we are hearing some big*", "we grow thin quickly*", "we invite you*", "what a mega*", "work at*", "work for*", "work with*", "working in europe", "working in*", "working part time*", "working with*", "you are nominated*", "you can earn an additional*", "you do not have much money*", "you have new matches", "your tracking number*" ] { discard; } else { keep; }