Hey guys, 

Has anybody ever used imaptest to benchmark *ONLY* reads? I'm trying to run a battery of tests in my new cluster and apparently no combination of parameters works, because fetch instruction doesn't run. Below is the command I'm using and its partial output

imaptest/src/imaptest host=$SERVER_IP port=143 user=teste%d@example%d.com pass=$TEST_PASS users=10 domains=10 clients=100 - append=0 select=100 fetch=100
Logi Sele Fetc Logo 
100% 100% 100% 100% 
 166  156    0  156  99/100
 223  230    0  230 100/100
 206  203    0  203  97/100

Can anybody help me understand why fetch doesn't work and how to fix this?


João Paulo Bastos
DevOps Engineer at Mav Tecnologia
Belo Horizonte - Brazil
+55 31 99279-7092