"Cami" <camis@mweb.co.za> wrote:
Has anyone got any experimental patches for mysql auth?
The attached patch was published to this list by Matthew Reimer a few months ago. I have merely updated it to apply to the current version of Dovecot.
Great.. Has development on dovecot stopped? (I'm quite curious why this hasnt been merged with the current dovedot development release.. That is, if there is a development reason ;))
Not at all, Timo is quite active. I don't intend to speak for him, but he has indicated on this list before that his first goal is to get the existing functionality working to his satisfaction so that 1.0 can be released, then to add new features after that. Although works very well, there are some internal issues, especially with mbox (which I don't use), that he knows need work.
Excellent.. Thanks.. Has anyone done any benchmarking to see how dovecot compares to courier?
I've not, but subjectively speaking, Dovecot is *FAST*.