On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 04:41:18PM -0700, Robert L Mathews wrote:
On 9/8/14 3:38 PM, Jiri Bourek wrote:> Hm, I can only guess (someone with more knowledge of dovecot source code
probably knows better), but it seems like that value is magic number for "not set". My doveconf outputs the same thing on services which don't have vsz_limit set explicitly, but when I list /proc/[pid]/limits on such a service, the row called "Max address space" (which is - AFAIK - limit on vsz) shows 2GB, a value of default_vsz_limit setting.
I'd say don't overthink it, just put explicit vsz_limit = 512M into service imap section (if your machine's RAM allows) and be done with it.
Right. According to my notes from when I upgraded to 2.x, "18446744073709551615" means it's not set and that the default_vsz_limit will apply, which is 256 MB.
That seems sensible to me. 2^64 bytes is 18446744073709551616 (18.45EB), so the number shown is (2^64 - 1). As a *limit* for a 64-bit program, that seems about as close to "no limit" as you're going to get :)
To avoid the problem the original poster had, I used:
default_vsz_limit = 1 G
-- Robert L Mathews, Tiger Technologies, http://www.tigertech.net/