On 28 Feb 2023, at 5:53 pm, Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com> wrote:

On 28/02/2023 03:54 EET James Brown <jlbrown@bordo.com.au> wrote:

I’m moving from an old mail server to a new one.

On the new one, trying to transfer mailboxes from the old machine using doveadm. It fails saying it can’f find doveadm:

% sudo doveadm -Dv backup -R -u myuser@bordo.com.au remote:mail.bordo.com.au
Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/local/lib/dovecot/doveadm
(root@mail.bordo.com.au) Password:
sh: doveadm: command not found
Feb 28 12:42:06 dsync-local(myuser@bordo.com.au)<SJq/Iepb/WMOLAEAiJz6GQ>: Error: read(mail.bordo.com.au) failed: EOF (version not received)
Feb 28 12:42:06 dsync-local(myuser@bordo.com.au)<SJq/Iepb/WMOLAEAiJz6GQ>: Error: Remote command returned error 127: ssh mail.bordo.com.au doveadm dsync-server -umyuser@bordo.com.au -U
Feb 28 12:42:06 dsync-local(myuser@bordo.com.au)<SJq/Iepb/WMOLAEAiJz6GQ>: Debug: User session is finished
Feb 28 12:42:06 dsync-local(myuser@bordo.com.au)<SJq/Iepb/WMOLAEAiJz6GQ>: Debug: auth-master: conn unix:/usr/local/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb (uid=0): Disconnected: Connection closed (fd=9)

Does this mean the remote machine can’t fine doveadm?

(Both machines are running macOS)

I could probably transfer the mailboxes using rsync, but I thought that doveadm was a better way.



Yeah, it means it can't find doveadm on the remote machine.

Please see https://doc.dovecot.org/admin_manual/migrating_mailboxes/


Thanks Aki, those instructions are great. All working now. Added the service doveadm and pw to old server and pw to new one and all works. And used tcp:oldmailserver:port instead of ‘remote:’ in command.

So sudo doveadm -Dv backup -R -u myuser@bordo.com.au tcp:mail.bordo.com.au:12354


Thanks again,
