Hi Timo
Heiko Schlittermann <hs@schlittermann.de> (Mi 14 Okt 2015 01:10:20 CEST): …
Ah, the information comes from the other director running. The other one is using an unpatched version of dovecot.
Your patch for backend-certificate verification works. Thank you for the good and fast work. Is there any chance that this will make it into Dovecot's next release?
BTW: The ambiguity of 2001:db8::9090 remains. Shouldn't you allow [2001:db8::]¹ resp [2001:db8::9090]¹ resp. [2001:db8::]:9090² for such cases? (In case one want's to use IPv6 addresses instead of hostnames in the director_servers option. (And probably in other places too.))
¹) Address ²) Address:Port
Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
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