Sebastian Ganschow schrieb:
albinootje schrieb:
am i missing something ? i am using postfixadmin+dovecot+dovecot-LDA and i thought the spam-folder gets created the moment there's spam to be delivered in the spam-folder
so why not just simply have a global sieve-file ?
i used these 2 pages for my setup : http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/DovecotLDAPostfixAdminMySQL http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-etch/#sieve-filtering-out-spam
The global sieve-filter file won't work on my system, but if I configure a per user sieve-file with the rule, the spam folder will be created.
If I'll get the global filter working, it would the perfect solution.
so do you have any idea why global sieve-filter file does not work with your system?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Best Regards
Robert Schetterer
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