Hi, I just started building dovecot 1.0beta8 on RHEL4.3 based on atrpm.net .spec file.
I noted that 3 patches are included in the .src.rpm and wanted to discuss them. I'm interested in knowing if those patches are relevant to all dovecot users and if they can be applied to dovecot.
From: http://dl.atrpms.net/all/dovecot-1.0-0_10.99.beta7.el4.at.src.rpm
patch: dovecot-1.0.beta2-mkcert-permissions.patch calls 'chown root.root', is good to have the certs owned by root?
patch: dovecot-1.0.beta2-pam-setcred.patch is dissables the call to pam_setcred() because there is no other call to pam_setcred() in order to release the resources
patch: dovecot-1.0.beta2-pam-tty.patch it add a call to pam_set_item()
I don't to attach the patches to the list, but I can if anyone could not extract them from the .src.rpm
Many thanks Oliver
-- Oliver Schulze L. <oliver@samera.com.py>