On Wed, 18 May 2011 14:50:54 -0700 errno <errno@cox.net> articulated:
Hello, list members!
I'm new to dovecot, and haven't needed to maintain an email server instance for quite some time.
I recently got a fairly simple postfix + dovecot installation functional as needed, however I now need to get procmail filtering incoming mail, and after reading various docs and wikis, I find that I'm still having a tough time feeling confident on how best to approach it in the simplest manner. (this is for a small installation.... 10 email accounts, max).
Below, I've provide the relevant snippets of my current functional configuration; how best to integrate procmail into the mix?
Why procmail? Use sieve instead. It is fully supported in Dovecot and IMHO far easier to use.
-- Jerry ✌ Dovecot.user@seibercom.net
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