On 12/30/12 4:15 AM, Eric wrote:
Isn't the version I have (2.0.9) newer than 2.0.19? The newest RPM I could find for CentOS was dovecot-2.0.9-2, not all that much newer than what I am using. I am not opposed to upgrading, just not sure if I am seeing much in the way of RPMs for my system that I can use to upgrade to a version that is much newer than what I already have.
2.0.19 is newer than 2.0.9. 2.1.12 is newer than that. You may have to take the spec file and rpmbuild your own RPM, if you want to stick with RPMs.
I had taken the " echo 'DAEMON_COREFILE_LIMIT="unlimited"' >> /etc/sysconfig/dovecot" command from the Dovecot page on enabling core dumps for Red Hat (http://www.dovecot.org/bugreport.html). I have also added unlimited core dump files to /etc/security/limits.conf and verified that whenever myself or anyone else opens a shell that "ulimit -c" shows an output of "unlimited".
I don't see any mention of limits in my Dovecot init file either. The init script came with my RPM package and I have not modified it.
Even though I have unlimited core dump files allowed, I am still getting core files that are 0 bytes in size in the mail user's home directory. Any idea why?
Check disk space on the filesystem where Dovecot is trying to dump? Is there some other reason it can't write there (but can create files) ?