22 May
22 May
12:59 p.m.
On 22.5.2012, at 13.47, Nick Rosier wrote:
You need to compile CLucene with Clang. I've also tried with the FreeBSD included compiler but it fails. The recent addition of SOLR-support to the dovecot2 port was made by and at the request of me. I would like to add lucene to ports as well but don't know the proper procedure and I also hesitate because it only compiles with Clang. I've contacted the author of the original lucene port but haven't received a reply.
It would also be interesting to try if Dovecot would work with Lucene++: https://github.com/luceneplusplus/LucenePlusPlus
CLucene people were planning on somehow merging the projects, but that doesn't seem to be happening very fast.