5 milestones planned currently. I'll start with the always-on multi-master replication, because that's the most difficult one to get working correctly and efficiently. So if during its implementation I find some design problems, less code needs to be fixed.
Milestone 0 will hopefully be done within a month. This includes reading and replying to the rest of the mails on this list and getting a v1.1.0 release out. :) There will most likely also be a v1.2.0 release this summer that has some new features on top of v1.1.
Several companies have asked for replication within the past year. At least two are willing to contribute some money into its development this summer, but having more wouldn't hurt of course. :) Paying also guarantees (within reasonable limits) that I'll listen to what kind of a installation you're planning and make sure that the replication will work in that kind of a setup.
So, below's the milestone 1 fully described with a couple of FIXMEs left. The rest of the milestones are described only briefly.
- Prerequisites:
Change v1.2 CONDSTORE implementation to allocate modseqs differently. Currently log file sequence + offset determines the modseq. This can't work in a cluster since their log files are different. Instead add a new "UIDs [..] have modseq X" transaction log record that gets updated when needed. UID list can be 0 to update higest-modseq. To avoid adding modseq for all changes, we can be optimistic and assume that usually multiple servers aren't doing changes at the same time. So the next transaction after modseq=5 record will have modseq=6 and the following one modseq=7, etc.
Update v2.0 framework to include v1.2 changes and make it work. Base the replication code on top of v2.0.
Shared mailboxes making all users' all mailboxes available for read/write within the same (replication) process.
- Incremental replication for existing mailboxes.
IMAP, POP3 and deliver use a replication plugin, which connect to a replication process via UNIX socket (or TCP optionally for chroots). The plugin sends the SAVE, EXPUNGE and STORE changes to the replication process, which forwards them to other servers. The other servers receive the commands and store them to local filesystem.
The sending and the receiving sides have quite distinct jobs, so they should probably be implemented as separate processes. They could still use the same TCP socket though, replication sending process writes to the socket and replication receiving process reads the socket.
The processes still need to share some state though. Most importantly keeping track of the mailbox master servers. This is probably the most cleanly implemented by having a separate master tracking process which the sending/receiving processes talk to via UNIX socket.
The rest of the data sharing is about forwarding command replies (SAVE, STORE with CONDSTORE flag) to replication sender, so it can pass them on to the originating mail process. This can be done easily using an extra pipe/socket between the processes.
Examples use:
- C1 = Client 1
- C2 = Client 2
- S = Replication sending process
- R = Remote replication receiving process
- Small letter before commands = IMAP-like command tag
- before commands = tag for a command that doesn't expect a reply
1.1. Master tracking process
Master tracking process is connected to sending and receiving replication processes.
LOCK: (mail process -> replication sender -> master tracker)
- User name
- Mailbox name Reply:
- success
LOCK is sent by replication plugin from mail processes when it wants to assign UIDs for new messages. Replication sender proxies this command to master tracker. If server is already the master, the command returns success immediately. Otherwise tracker looks up from its cache who the current master is and requests it using the REQUEST command. Once GIVE command is received, reply success to the mail process.
FIXME: handle timeouts (and master disconnections) somehow?
UNLOCK: (mail process -> replication sender -> master tracker)
- User name
- Mailbox name No reply.
UNLOCK is sent by mail processes after they've finished assigning UIDs and sending replication SAVEs. If this was the last lock, pending TAKE requests for this mailbox are handled.
GIVE: (replication receiver -> master tracker)
- User name
- Mailbox name No reply.
Notification that this server is now the master for the specified mailbox. If there are any pending LOCK requests for this mailbox, they're replied to in here.
TAKE ([mail process ->] replication receiver -> master tracker):
- User name
- Mailbox name
- Server ID No reply.
Request for giving master state for the specified server. When this mailbox contains no locks, the TAKE command is forwarded to replication sending process which passes it to the requesting server. While waiting for existing locks to be releases, handling new LOCK commands for the mailbox must be delayed to avoid lock starvation.
When forwarding TAKE command, the destination server ID is cached as being the mailbox's current master.
If we're not the current master for this mailbox, forward the request using REQUEST command. This also happens if there are multiple pending TAKE requests. The first one gets to become the master and the rest of them are handled as REQUEST commands.
REQUEST (master tracker -> replication sender):
- User name
- Mailbox name
- Server ID of the current assumed master
- Server ID who wants to be the new master (e.g. ourself)
Request master status to be moved to the specified server. If server ID isn't ours, cache it as being the mailbox's current master. If we don't have any idea who the master might be currently, use the root server ID.
ROOT-SET (replication receiver -> master tracker):
- Server ID
This command causes all cached master states to be dropped. Any new LOCK requests are delayed. Once all mailboxes are unlocked, drop being a master from all mailboxes and send ROOT-CLEAR command to replication sender, which passes on the information that we've cleared the master states. The given server ID is set to be the new root.
ROOT-CLEAR (replication receiver -> master tracker):
- Server ID
Given server ID has notified that it has cleared its master states. If we're not the current root, this command is forwarded to it. If we're the root and this was the last pending ROOT-CLEAR, start handling the pending REQUEST and LOCK commands.
FIXME: How is initial root selection done? How is it decided who's the new one when previous one dies?
1.2. Replication sending
1.2.1. Saving
(For now we ignore the possibility of saving as non-master.)
When a mail process wants to give UIDs for newly saved messages, it first requests for master lock for the mailbox from the master tracker process. Once UIDs have been assigned for the new messages, the messages are sent to replication sender using SAVE commands. After the last one is sent, the master lock is dropped. Note that this lock duration should be as small as possible, so in Dovecot's code this means doing both locking and unlocking in mailbox_transaction_commit().
If multiple processes are sending SAVEs at the same time, the replication sender may receive the UIDs in wrong order. It must reorder them before forwarding the SAVEs to other servers. Since all master LOCK/UNLOCK commands pass through the replication sender, it can figure out when it has seen all the SAVEs based on them. For example:
C1-C3 -> S: a LOCK [1] S -> C1-C3: a OK
[Client 1 sends the first mail] C1 -> S: b SAVE uid=5 .. [SAVE uid=5 depends on dropping [1] locks (currently clients 1,2,3)] C1 -> S: * UNLOCK [1] (left 2)
[Client 1 starts sending more mails in a separate transaction, lock counter is incremented because of the previous SAVE] C1 -> S: d LOCK [2] (remember lock[2].prev_uid=5) S -> C1: d OK
[Client 2 sends its mail] C2 -> S: b SAVE uid=9 .. [SAVE uid=9 depends on dropping [1-2] locks (currently clients 1,2,3)] C2 -> S: * UNLOCK [1] (left 1)
[Client 3 sends its mail] C3 -> S: b SAVE uid=3 .. [SAVE uid=3 depends on dropping [1] lock (currently client 3). It doesn't depend on [2] lock, because uid < lock[2].prev_uid (3 < 5)] C3 -> S: * UNLOCK [1] (left 0)
[SAVEs depending on [1] locks are ordered and forwarded.] S -> R: x SAVE uid=3 .. S -> R: y SAVE uid=5 ..
[Client 1 finishes its second transaction] C1 -> S: f SAVE uid=7 [SAVE uid=7 depends on dropping [2] lock (currently client 1)] C1 -> S: * UNLOCK [2] (left 0)
[SAVEs depending on [2] locks are ordered and forwarded] S -> R: x SAVE uid=7 .. S -> R: y SAVE uid=9 ..
The idea is that locks have a counter which is incremented if there was a SAVE command sent after the previous LOCK command. The previous SAVE's UID (prev_uid) is also stored to the lock. When the first SAVE after LOCK arrives, it's assigned a dependency on all existing locks which have uid > prev_uid. The lock counter order doesn't guarantee an ascending prev_uid order. (An actual lock counter probably isn't even needed, prev_uid should be enough as the lock ID. Lock counter simplifies the above example though.)
All subsequent SAVEs from the client before the next UNLOCK will have the same dependency as the first SAVE. This is because by that time the transaction has been committed and all messages within the transaction have been given UIDs. So in fact it wouldn't really matter in which order the SAVEs are even sent to the replication sender. Although sending them in order allows an extra optimization: If only a single client is holding a lock, the SAVEs can be immediately forwarded as they're being received.
After all lock dependencies have been dropped, it's guaranteed that all new SAVEs will have higher UIDs, so the SAVEs can be ordered and forwarded.
A further optimization could use some kind of weak locks that are dropped after the client's first SAVE command. After the weak lock count has dropped to zero, the messages can started to be sent. For example assume two clients having the same lock counter. Both clients would be sending 10000 messages within the same transaction. Waiting for and buffering all of them would waste a lot of memory. Instead it would be possible to read the first SAVE from the first client and then block until the first SAVE is read from the second client. The SAVE with a smaller UID can be forwarded to remote servers. The next message is then read from that connection, and this is continued until all messages have been processed.
A simpler solution would have been to order and forward SAVEs only when lock counter dropped to zero, but under very high load it's (at least theoretically) possible that the counter never drops to zero.
In synchronous setups (recommended whenever possible) the SAVE commands use a tag (not "*"), which requests an ack reply from the remote. After replication sender has sent SAVE to a remote server, the remote server eventually replies back. This reply is forwarded from replication receiver to sender, which in turn forwards it to the mail process. After mail process has finished sending all SAVEs, it waits until it has received at least one ack for each SAVEd message. If the replication sender sent the SAVE to multiple servers, mail process may receive multiple acks for each message. It should just ignore the ones it doesn't care about.
1.2.2. Modseq updating
If all mailbox modifications were done only while the server was the mailbox master, there wouldn't be any problems with modseq updates, because only one server could modify the mailbox at a time. This scales badly though, so it's preferrable to move the master only when absolutely required (for SAVEs) and handle modseqs another ways.
Modseqs are incremented by each mailbox modification. All modification commands contain a modseq parameter. When applying the modification command make sure the local modseq is at least as high as the modification command's modseq. If the local modseq is higher, broadcast the new modseq to all other servers using MODSEQ command. When receiving a MODSEQ command, update the modseq only if its current value is lower than the received one. Remember that modseqs can also be updated for expunged messages.
All this means that eventually everyone's modseq will be the highest assigned modseq for the change in the cluster. It doesn't matter if temporarily some clients saw lower modseqs. The worst that can happen is that some extra FLAG/MODSEQ updates are sent to the client.
Although there is a problem if a client can jump from a server where it had higher modseqs to a server that hadn't yet received the incremented modseqs and performed a sync using the higher modseq. If the updated modseqs come after the sync, they're lost from the client. This could be avoided by issuing a cluster-wide sync wait before such syncing commands are run.
1.2.3. Expunging
EXPUNGE commands can be replicated without waiting for anything. There are problems with messages getting expunged while COPY is being handled, but this will be resolved later when COPY is implemented.
1.2.4. Flag updates
When STORE is received by a master, it checks if it has higher modseqs in messages than the modseq in STORE parameter. Then it applies all the changes and forwards the changes to other servers using possibly updated modseqs. For messages that had higher initial modseqs their current flags are sent back to the originating server to fix a potential desync.
If STORE is initiated by the master, there are no flag desynchronization possibilities.
The correctness of applying conflicting changes could be improved by including a "highest modseq of messages before this STORE" parameter. The applying server (master) could then find the flags from that point in time and apply changes on top of it. And finally on the top would be applied newer changes (that were already once applied). There could still be conflicting changes, but the result would be better for updates that had been delayed for a long time. Finding these flag changes and old flag values isn't simple though, so this won't be at least in initial implementation.
STORE UNCHANGEDSINCE (CONDSTORE extension) is initially implemented by grabbing a master lock. If there are simultaneous STOREs in other servers, they'll temporarily have lower modseqs and different message flags. Eventually when the STOREs reach the master, they will be applied on top of the CONDSTORE modification. So even if normal STOREs were sent slightly earlier than CONDSTORE, they'd eventually be applied on top of the CONDSTORE change. This makes the STORE UNCHANGEDSINCE work correctly (even if with a slight delay), and our multi-master replication should be fully compatible with the CONDSTORE spec.
1.3. Replication receiving
Replication receives 3 different types of data from remote sender:
- Replies to commands this server's replication sender sent
- Message texts (as part of SAVE)
- Metadata updates (SAVEs, STORE, EXPUNGE, etc.)
Command replies are handled by directly forwarding them to the replication sender process via a pipe/socket.
1.3.1. Receiving SAVEs
The message text part of the SAVE is stored in a file. The file format depends on the server's configured default data format. For now we consider only maildir format where the data is written as-is to the file. This file is later hard linked to the destination maildir directory.
If multiple partitions are used, the file should be written to the correct partition. The initial code could write the file to the destination mailbox's tmp/ directory to make sure the partition is correct. There may be some permission problems with this approach though, a separate replication drop directory would be nicer.
The rest of the SAVE is processed similarly to other metadata updates. The path to the written file is added as new metadata to the SAVE command.
1.3.2. Metadata updates
The primary replication receiver process's job is to read data from the network as fast as possible. Processing the actual updates can take a while, so the work is distributed to multiple worker processes.
As discussed above, the primary replication receiver process still writes message texts to files. The workers could do this as well, but it would mean that the text needs to be sent via IPC to the workers, which adds extra overhead. If the message writing really becomes the bottleneck, this change could be done.
The replication receiver tries to pass the same user's updates to the same workers so they can benefit from keeping mailboxes open longer. Each worker could be limited to e.g. 100 open mailboxes.
The worker handles the SAVE/EXPUNGE/STORE commands using the normal mailbox handling functions. After the changes were successfully committed, commands that had tags are replied as having succeeded. If a change failed, a failure reply is sent instead for it. Replication receiver passes this reply to the replication sender (not to be confused by remote command replies which are also forwarded), which in turn passes it to the originating server.
- Mailbox synchronization for existing mailboxes.
- As described in the replication protocol.
- IMAP UID conflict resolution.
- Mailbox list synchronization.
- Track creates, deletes, renames.
- Add unique global mailbox ID which is preserved across renames and allows replication to perform renaming (and symlinking?)
- More features
4.1. Global UIDs
- Save GUIDs to messages (dbox: metadata, maildir: dovecot-uidlist)
- Tracking GUIDs globally
- Implement COPY command
- Implement SAVEs sending only global UIDs and FETCHing unknown ones
4.2. Support for untrusted user-run replication processes
- Make SAVE and work without being a master
- Make CONDSTORE's STORE UNCHANGEDSINCE work without being a master
4.3. Transactions
- Wrap changes into transactions just like they're in the originating Dovecot's transaction (e.g. TX-BEGIN, TX-END commands)
- On receiving side a transaction is handled in a single Dovecot transaction by a single worker.
4.4. Cluster-wide sync
- Broadcast a ping packet and wait for a reply from all servers on the cluster. This ensures that all changes before the ping packet was sent have been received.
- Then ping replication receiver process and have it ping worker processes to wait until all received changes have been committed.
- CHECK command could do it.
- CONDSTORE/QRESYNC commands that take modseq parameters could maybe do it? Or would it be too slow? It would at least increase reliability. We could probably also figure out some rules when the sync is needed and when not.
- dbox support
- Message text can't just be written to a file and renamed. At minimum some dbox metadata needs to be written to it.
- Files can't be shared between mailboxes by hard linking like they can be with maildir