Timo Sirainen wrote on 26.07.2010:
On Sat, 2010-07-24 at 01:58 +0200, Daniel Luttermann wrote:
cat << EOF | /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -d $USER -o "plugin/quota=dict:user::proxy::quota quota:noenforcing" quota = dict:user::proxy::quota
Well, this isn't right.. Assuming dict works normally, dovecot-lda should be called with one of the following:
-o "plugin/quota=dict:user:noenforcing::proxy::quota"
doesn't work.
Error: "Error: Unknown dict module"
-o "plugin/quota=dict:user::noenforcing:proxy::quota"
works :-)
-o "plugin/quota=dict:user::proxy:noenforcing::quota"
doesn't work.
Error: "Error: net_connect_unix(noenforcing) failed: No such file or directory"
-o "plugin/quota=dict:user::proxy::noenforcing:quota"
doesn't work.
Error: "Unconfigured dictionary name 'noenforcing:quota'"
I can never remember which one it is. Should write it to wiki
Yes, this would be nice.
I've had some problems to figure out the correct syntax of the command line for the LDA... Also I've never tried to use "noenforcing" at this postion.
-- Daniel