i uploaded 2.2.9 for ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 12.10, 13.04 and 13.10 to the ppa
Zitat von michael@bigmichi1.de:
Zitat von Alan McGinlay - SICS alanm@sics.se
Two things:
Does anyone know of a good PPA with updated packages of Dovecot for Ubuntu? "For the latest Dovecot for latest Ubuntu LTS see Xiaoka APT Repository. (Outdated. Could someone provide a ppa for latest stable Dovecot, please?)"
On the http://wiki2.dovecot.org/PrebuiltBinaries#Ubuntu page there is a link to a supposedly outdated PPA, the ppa page now redirects to an ad for the guys services so should probably be removed.
In my ppa https://launchpad.net/~bigmichi1 i provide the latest version of dovecot for the latest version of Ubuntu. It is build after a official release.
Von meinem Sony Xperia™-Smartphone gesendet Alan McGinlay - SICS alanm@sics.se schrieb: