On 31.1.2013, at 12.27, Oli Schacher <dovecot@lists.wgwh.ch> wrote:
I'm trying to build a cluster of two servers with dsync replication (based on http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Replication). My test setup works fine for very simple tests, I can log in to both servers, copy a message to one of the servers and it successfully apperars in the other account. But, if I try to copy a large amount of messages at once to one of the accounts, my maillogs get flodded with errors(see below) and the mailboxes seem to get out of sync and messages are duplicated over and over again (I originally copied 100 messages and ended up with thousands in both mailboxes until I killed dovecot) .. Jan 31 10:42:12 doco1 dovecot: doveadm: Error: dsync-remote(user1): Warning: Maildir /mailstore/user1/maildir: Expunged message reappeared, giving a new UID (old uid=72, file=1359625327.M621257P1432.doco1,S=2472,W=2547:2,)
Looks like some bug. Possibilities:
a) Use mdbox format instead of maildir. It works better with dsync.
b) Switch to v2.2 (latest hg version). It has a rewritte dsync that works better.
Ideally do both. :)