5 Jun
5 Jun
7:07 p.m.
Partitionning users on multiple backends would address my load problem. I would have 50% of users on mail1.example.net and 50% on mail2.example.net, but I need to correctly redirect users requests, as their mail user agents only know about mail.example.net.
Is dovecot able to send request to the local machine or to proxy them to another one, depending on information it would have on user mailboxes location? If it does, do we have documentation on this?
Yes it does. You can store user backend location in mysql as we do that since 2 years now without any problems.
You can start here: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/PasswordDatabase/ExtraFields/Proxy
I prefer method nr. 1 "Forward the password to the remote server".
Regards Urban