On 14.5.2007, at 23.09, Stewart Dean wrote:
My production imap is currently UWIMAP with mbox.. One of the
problems commonly observed is mailbox lock loss, which happens when: a) a VIP has multiple secretaries accessing a single mailbox
(actually, they are professional enough to have figured the
realities of conflicting access and rarely have a problem), b) somebody leaving their machine on at home and coming in and
firing up their work computer c) important people with Blackberries....and the BB service polls
the mailbox every so often and breaks the lock. In any case, the
maillog ends up with a message like this:May 5 19:45:04 mercury mail:info imapd[2035774]: Logout
user=xxxxx host=bda056.bis.na.blackberry.com [] May 5 19:46:52 mercury mail:info imapd[2502902]: Killed (lost
mailbox lock) user=xxxxx host=cpe-24-161-103-11.hvc.res.rr.com
[] How will this work with Dovecot?
None of these are a problem with Dovecot. It supports multiple
connections accessing the same mbox. I'm still using mboxes myself
(going to move to dbox some day) and I've my desktop and my laptop
accessing the same mboxes just fine.