7 Nov
7 Nov
5:35 a.m.
Hello there, I have been trying to make the patch work for libwrap(TCP Wrappers) posted on http://dovecot.org/patches <http://dovecot.org/patches%20Patch%20of%201.1> Patch of 1.1 but could not get it work. Any help will be highly appreciated. After compiling and running it I get error "Error: login_tcp_wrappers can't be used because Dovecot wasn't built with libwrap"
Dovecot Version dovecot-1.1.5 OS CENTOS 5.1
Tahir Riaz Assistant Director (Systems) COMSATS Internet Services COMSATS Headquarters Building 9, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2 Islamabad.