I have a pigeon sive running which directs some of my received mail to the Junk folder. That works just fine. However, a couple minutes later, it is moved to Deleted mailbox and deleted from Junk. At first I thought my client was doing that so I shut down the client and it still happens. Here are the log entries:
Jul 2 00:36:31 mail dovecot: imap(doug): copy from INBOX: box=Junk, uid=10842, msgid=<F3C67E609C1A1BC4DB924CEA5FE12C76@ze>, size=3340, from="jnilj" <hr@bjwmt.com> Jul 2 00:36:31 mail dovecot: imap(doug): delete: box=INBOX, uid=55719, msgid=<F3C67E609C1A1BC4DB924CEA5FE12C76@ze>, size=3340, from="jnilj" <hr@bjwmt.com> Jul 2 00:39:33 mail dovecot: imap(doug): copy from Junk: box=Deleted Messages, uid=31049, msgid=<F3C67E609C1A1BC4DB924CEA5FE12C76@ze>, size=3340, from="jnilj" <hr@bjwmt.com> Jul 2 00:39:33 mail dovecot: imap(doug): delete: box=Junk, uid=10842, msgid=<F3C67E609C1A1BC4DB924CEA5FE12C76@ze>, size=3340, from="jnilj" <hr@bjwmt.com> Jul 2 00:50:29 mail dovecot: imap(doug): expunge: box=Junk, uid=10842, msgid=<F3C67E609C1A1BC4DB924CEA5FE12C76@ze>, size=3340, from="jnilj" <hr@bjwmt.com> Jul 2 00:50:29 mail dovecot: imap(doug): expunge: box=INBOX, uid=55719, msgid=<F3C67E609C1A1BC4DB924CEA5FE12C76@ze>, size=3340, from="jnilj" <hr@bjwmt.com>
Is this the intended way the Junk maibox is supposed to work? I couldn't find any settings that appear to control (or affect) this behavior.
— Doug