On 10/26/2011 8:48 AM, Bernd Petrovitsch wrote:
On Mit, 2011-10-26 at 02:33 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
On 10/25/2011 2:34 PM, Charles Marcus wrote: [....]
A word of advice... you need to take a breath, and START OVER.
Yep. Start by ditching that old as dirt POS distro known as CentOS.
Dovecot works fine on my CentOS-5.* and -6.
Yes, because you know what you're doing.
And don't roll-your-own-Dovecot from source. [....]
And I used it self-compiled (because there were at times no current packages) and nowadays an RPM from some repo. Granted with sendmail as MTA but that shouldn't make a big difference.
See above comment.
The OP is having trouble with a roll-your-own combo Dovecot and Postfix install. He went this route because the CentOS 5.x packages are old as dirt. Now he's having severe problems getting the RYO stuff working properly.
If he has the option of using a distro with far more current packages, it would be much easier for him to get up and running. Thus my suggestion to give Debian a try. Any distro he's comfortable with and has access to, that has relatively up to date Dovecot and Postfix versions, would be just as suitable.
The bulk of his problems stem from issues revolving around installing from source. Moving to recent distro packages will very likely solve most of his problems.
-- Stan