I am currently running dovecot 1.2.15 on my home server. I have over 200 folders in personal email account, and I have found that my smart-phone does not work well trying to display that many folders.
I solved the problem by creating a second instance of dovecot running on a non standard port, and configured it to serve only a subset my email folders, so that way the email client on my smartphone works well and I can read the emails I am interested in on the move.
The process of configuring two instances of dovecot on the same machine serving different views of the same mailbox was faily complex, so I think it would be worth documenting the process in an FAQ or suchlike for other users.
I thought a good place to write up my method would be in the HowTo section of the Dovecot Wiki. Is that a good idea? Can I request an account to edit the Wiki, or should I send a draft text to an editor? Are there any Dovecot experts here who can review my methods and suggest improvements?
-- David Pottage