Op 19/09/2018 om 21:54 schreef Adam Raszkiewicz:
I have tried to do something like
if body :content ["multipart"] :matches ["Original-Message-ID" ā*ā] { set "Original_Message_ID" "${0}"; }
but instead getting Original Message ID Iām getting value from previous match which was
if envelope :matches "From" "*" { set "sender" "${0}"; }
Is there any example of working :matches matching-type with body?
I am not sure what you're trying to achieve here, but with the body test that will definitely not work with match variables:
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5173#section-6 : "Wildcard expressions used with "body" are exempt from the side effects described in [VARIABLES]. That is, they MUST NOT set match variables (${1}, ${2}...) to the input values corresponding to wildcard sequences in the matched pattern."
Instead, the MIME Sieve extensions will likely provide what you need: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5703