24 Apr
24 Apr
7:05 p.m.
Benny Pedersen skrev den 2014-04-24 17:56:
Andreas Schulze skrev den 2014-04-24 13:04:
Jiri Bourek:
The more interesting question is why do you need to explain to your
it-security people I'm asking that myself too :-/atleast dovecot stopped breaking dkim now :)
or no:
Authentication-Results: duggi.junc.org; dkim=fail reason="signature verification failed" (1024-bit key) header.d=junc.eu header.i=@junc.eu header.b=DnJ5TUMC; dkim-atps=neutral
works for some just not all :(
Authentication-Results: duggi.junc.org; dkim=pass (4096-bit key) header.d=andreasschulze.de header.i=@andreasschulze.de header.b=lQJpd3+d; dkim-atps=neutral
both is mails on dovecot maillist recieved today