On Sun, 04 Apr 2010 23:37:56 -0400, Tony Nelson <tonynelson@georgeanelson.com> articulated:
Bah. After figuring out how deliver was being run, which I see is in the /etc/procmailrc I copied from the Dovecot WIKI[1], all I have to do is comment out the extra lines[2] that direct spam elsewhere. Those lines are probably needed under some circumstances.
[1] <http://wiki.dovecot.org/procmail> [2] :0 w
- ^X-Spam-Status: Yes | $DELIVER -m spam
IMNSHO, lose procmail. There are far better filtering programs available. I am presently learning how to use sieve, which Dovecot implements excellently and it appears to do most of what procmail does with none of the hassle. It is also far less system resource intensive.
Caveat: I really am not familiar with how it interacts with POP mail since I use IMAP.
-- Jerry Dovecot.user@seibercom.net
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