Dovecot version: 1.0-0_33.rc15 built by atrpms Operating system: Redhat EL4 CPU architecture: x86 Filesystem you used: mailboxs via nfs to fileserver using xfs
Just upgraded from 1.0-0_20.rc7 to 1.0-0_33.rc15 built by atrpms and we had previously set mbox_min_index_size to 1024 (1Mb) and now all mailboxes (mbox format) that are under this size are not able to be opened and throw an "Internal error occured. Refer to server log for more information." using either Thunderbird or Outlook Express, both of which are recent versions.
The small mailboxes can be opened after turning mbox_min_index_size setting back to 0, at which time it creates indexes.
There is nothing in the syslog file. I am looking in the right place as I can see the dovecot startup message.