Any ideas on this? I am sure that I can't be the only one having issues with the search function while using Gmail.
I am using to setup my mailserver and added solr for full-text search. Nearly everything is working as expected. But I have a problem with the full-text search, as I have a lot of folders in my mailbox and I just can't find any mail in any of these folders except INBOX when I search with the Gmail android app.
After analyzing the logs, I assume, that the bug is in the Gmail app, as it is only searching in the INBOX folder. I searched a bit and found some reports of other users confirming that. As this "design decision" (or bug) is quite old, I assume that Google won't fix it. But as many people are using Gmail, I assume that there must be a way to search all folders with Gmail. Sadly, I haven't found any possibility yet.
As a workaround one may put a proxy in between and simply remove the "+box:123" filter from the path (e.g. with a small regex). With that, solr will return all found mails from that user, regardless of the folder. This may be a quite simple, but very dirty hack.
Hence, I hope that you guys know a better way, a good way to overcome this issue and enable all Gmail users to search for email in all folders.
Best regards,