Hmmm, but I have made a few files with accounts to sync, if I use the list with the oldest least changing mailaccounts I get this spike during the doveadm backup. And if I issue the same command 30s later, the spike is back for the duration of the check. And since it was finished quite quickly, ran it for a third time, again the write spike.
doveadm backup -n inbox -F /root/backup-old-60-accounts.txt tcp:mail04.local:542
[@mail]# rpm -qa | grep dovecot dovecot-pigeonhole-2.2.36-6.el7_8.1.x86_64 dovecot-2.2.36-6.el7_8.1.x86_64
-----Original Message----- From: Aki Tuomi [] Sent: 22 December 2020 09:52 To: Marc Roos; dovecot Subject: Re: doveadm backup -f -n inbox doing writes?
On 22/12/2020 00:12 Marc Roos <> wrote:
If I start a 'doveadm backup -f -n inbox' on the source server, why do
also disk writes increase on the source server (indexes mostly?)
Probably because your indexes are not up to date?