Hi, guys.
I've read the information in the Wiki about making dovecot's UID's match Courier's UID's in the POP3 server, so that a UIDL command on either server will return the same UID's for the same group of messages. However, what I've read doesn't match what I'm seeing in Courier.
Courier appears to keep the UID numbers for messages that it uses for the POP3 server separate from the UID numbers for the IMAP server. Courier has a file: courierpop3dsizelist which has a line for every message, like:
1129610881.6075832619.blade4:2,S 2361 1478:1065670602 1129727025.1168007000.blade1:2,S 14718 1479:1065670602 1130005953.3295720403.blade5:2,S 1554 1481:1065670602 1130108068.0849623942.blade5:2,S 8246 1482:1065670602
The first column is the maildir filename, the last column is the UID that the POP3 server uses and the UID validity. Both are used to create the UID number returned by UIDL.
The IMAP server uses a completely different UID number that's stored in courierimapuiddb.
So, it seems to me that dovecot can't ever match Courier's UID numbers for the POP3 server unless it reads and interprets this courierpop3dsizelist file.
My Courier-IMAP installation is Courier-IMAP 4.0.6.
Any ideas? This is a real hassle because it means I can't switch the POP3 server from Courier to Dovecot or, if I do, lots of my users will download every message again which is just unacceptable.
Thanks Jeff