Am 11.05.2013 16:38, schrieb Charles Marcus:
What does that have to do with providing MTA CLIENT-side SASL_AUTH support?
nothing and it was explained you several times here and on the postfix-list that it is not supported after looking in the archives and so i have no clue why you do not understand that this is NOT useful because postfix's SASL client implementation is using a mapping which has usually NOTHING to do with your local users
why would you use your local users to authenticate against foreign servers? so why are you hijack every random thread with the same topic?
Do you not know the difference between smtpD_sasl and smtP_sasl? Server-side = smtpd Client-side = smtp
i understand much more than only this
auth_username_translation = %@AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz No clue what you're talking about here...
well, this maybe because you understand generally not how authentication works and what makes sense and what is clueless