Hi All,
Over the weekend I bit the bullet and migrated my entire office from
server to another and converted everything from MBOX to Maildir.
Althought it took ages and their we're a few little problems along
the way, the migration was a complete success with no users reporting
any problems(Mbox used to always cause file lock ups) or even
noticing anything had changed... Which is great!:)
I'm starting to see some issues currently only with my Mail. In the
log files I'm getting loads of the following for at lease 20
different emails
Jul 19 12:12:27 server imap(Some-user): Error parsing IMAP envelope:
"Tue, 27 May 2003 16:33:07 +0100" "Re: 2U rack cases + PSU" (("Some
User" NIL "some-user" "somedomain.foo")) (("Some User" NIL "some-
user" "somedomain.foo")) (("Some Userr" NIL "some-user"
"somedomain.foo")) (("Some User" NIL "some-user" "some-other-
domain.foo")) NIL NIL "<000f01c32462$699a7130$7264a8c0@Microtech>" NIL
I did a find in my Mail.app on my mac and discovered that although my
client can find the message based on Subject, it fails to locate its
mailbox/mailfolder when I select the message I get the following
The message from Some User <some=user@some-other-domain.foo>
concerning “RE: 2U rack cases + PSU” has not been downloaded from the
server. You need to take this account online in order to download it.
The account is fully online, does or has anyone here come across this
error? I'm guessing there is a problem within the email file itself.
I'm using
ServerSide Debian 3.1 Sendmail 8.13 Dovecot 0.99.14-1
ClientSide OSX 10.4 Mail.app
Any help / pointers would be great.