I am building an IMAP server that uses Dovecot/Sendmail on FC3 to
replace our POP server that uses Dovecot (via POP)/Sendmail on FC2.
My new server is authenticating users via winbind/smb against my
WIndows 2003 Active Directory. The authentication is working great.
The problem come up when a user gets an email and has not ever logged
into the IMAP server via SSH, local, or GDM, therefore that user has
no home directory.
/etc/pam.d/ssh, /etc/pam.d/login, and /etc/pam.d/gdm all have a line
calling mkhomedir.so, which is using the /etc/skel home directory
skeleton to create the user's home dir upon successful login,
however, when I add that line to /etc/pam.d/dovecot, I get a
permission denied error in /var/log/maillog. I'm assuming this is
because dovecot is running as the user at this point, and therefore
does not have the necessary permissions to create a folder under /
home/DOMAIN/, which is where the home dir is supposed to be. If I
manually create the folder, and set it's permissions, or if the user
logs in via any of the before-mentioned methods, dovecot and sendmail
work great.
Does anyone else run a similar setup? If so, how did you overcome
this problem?
If not, can some Linux gurus recommend either altering the write
permissions on the /home/DOMAIN directory, or should I try to call
the mkhomdir app earlier in the process somehow?
Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to make this as seamless as
possible. Basically, I can manually create all the home dirs well
enough, but when I add a new user to the Active Directory, it would
be nice if this part was automated as much as possible.
Jeff Ramsey MIS Administrator Tubafor Mill, Inc.