
I searched through the maillist archives and the docs, but didn't find anything that directly addresses my question, so here goes if anyone has some time to address it.

I'm running a redhat el3 server, with Postfix as the MTA, and I'd like to setup Dovecot to provide IMAP/POP3 services.

Postfix uses MySQL lookups to do mailbox lookups, and I configured dovecot to do the same thing. The mail is delivered to /usr/local/virtual/<domainname>/<end.address>/ in maildir format by Postfix. This is working fine.

I've setup dovecot, and set it do user auth and user lookups to MySQL. This seems to be working fine as I get no mysql errors from the queries, and my login process (to IMAP from localhost) is fine. Here's a typical scenario:

telnet localhost imap
Connected to localhost.domain (
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK dovecot ready.
1login micah@9250x.com "rigid2"
1 OK Logged in.
2 select INBOX
2 NO

If I look in the directory for micah@9250x.com I find:
# ls
cur  new  tmp

The permissions are 777 for now to eliminate that possibility. The dovecot log file lists:
imap-login: Aug 28 12:27:11 Info: Login: micah@9250x.com []

each time I log in, and nothing after that indicating why it's not seeing any mail.

Why isn't it seeing any mail? Do I need to make an Inbox directory and tell postfix to deliver there? From reading the docs, having the delivery into the main maildir directory should be okay, but I might be mis-reading.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated..

Thank you,