when the attached mail was stored in a maildir, fetching mail via POP3 lead to multiple delivery of mails in that maildir to the client (Outlook). I replaced the domain with dots.
This is the dovecot configuration:
--snip-- protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s listen = * disable_plaintext_auth = no ssl_cert_file = /etc/ssl/dovecot/server.pem ssl_key_file = /etc/ssl/dovecot/server.key mail_location = maildir:~/.maildir
protocol pop3 { pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv }
auth default { mechanisms = plain
passdb pam { args = "*" }
userdb passwd { }
user = root
socket listen { client { path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth mode = 0660 user = postfix group = postfix } } } --snip--
Version: dovecot-1.1.4-r1 (Gentoo)
Gentoo applies the attached "expire" patch.
I tried to reproduce the behavior, but when I send an empty mail via telnet, nothing happens.
The box is running Amavis, don't know if that helps.
-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, with kind regards,
Marc Herbrechter <mh@zebroc.de>