Tonight I played with the mail server that started this discussion. Oddly, all is working (perhaps after a reboot). I can create folders, they are going into the /home/$u/Maildir folders. Strange. The procmailrc was the key I believe. I didn't need to change the envelope and it sits at Maildir:$h/Maildir.

Thanks for all your help.


On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 15:52 -0800, John Duino wrote:
I just finished building a FC3/Dovecot/Sendmail/DSpam box. I have all the
mail put into the home direcories in IMAP format. The only thing  I had to
add to was the following line in /etc/procmailrc.


The mail in /var/spool/mail is irrelevant after that; sendmail uses
procmail for LDA, and it puts it in the user's home directories.  If you
want to recover the mail in /var/spool I suggest using the mb2md script. I
wrote a little wrapper to do some sanity checking and to process large
#'s, but otherwise it works great.


>> default_mail_env = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u
> One way of getting sendmail to deliver to Maildir folders, is to
> configure procmail as your delivery agent.
> I suspect that most linux distributions have sendmail configured to use
> procmail for delivery out of the box.

Steve Hickel <>
Kore/HiCom Corporation