25 Mar
25 Mar
12:07 p.m.
- Marco Giunta <giunta@sissa.it> [2013-03-25 08:57]:
[-- Attachment #1 --] [-- Type: multipart/alternative, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 4.8K --]
On 2013-03-25 09:11, Guido Berhoerster wrote:
How can I get per-user SEEN flags to work?
You have to create an empty file named '**dovecot-shared' in your '/srv/mail/public/' directory.
Here the reference on dovecot wiki:
I've waste a lot of time first time I've configure the same thing on our server ....
D'uh, I totally overlooked that these have to be created manually. So now I've created these on the toplevel, and in every mailbox below and I've changed all dovecot-acl files from authenticated lr to authenticated lrs and restarted dovecot, yet the mailboxes are still marked read-only and setting the seen flag is ignored. Somehow I thought I did the same change to the acl files and it worked as expected (except the per-user flag of course). Anything else I have to do to allow seen flags to be set?
Guido Berhoerster