Hi Dear, 

I running the command bellow and quota fix for some hours, but after 4 ou 5 hours de quota back return the % wrong.

Same after 100% the size in MAILDIR quota return 45% used only again.

doveadm deduplicate -u USERMAIL mailbox INBOX all
Someone can help Me?

Thanks a lot 

On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 at 17:52, Gter Marcelo <infragter@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Dears, 

I have one problem with Dovecot in My mailserver. 

Dovecot Quota setting is not working fine.

plugin {
  quota = dict:User quota::file:MAILDIR/dovecot-quota
  quota_rule = *:storage=1GB

For example if i put the limit in 1GB, i have accounts in my mailbox with size of maildir in 3gb,4gb for exemple and if i running the command 

doveadm quota get -u ACCOUNT_MY_USER

The user with 2GB should be return 100% or some number bigger , but return 45% used only, 

If i force running one force-resync, the quota-get return the size correct showing more  than 100%

Someone can Help me ?